Product description:
Accurate Electronics Division Power Medium Voltage Dry Type Transformer: 1000 KVA (AA), High Voltage: 2400 Volt Delta, Low Voltage: 480 Volt Delta (1202.81 Amps), 3 Phase, 60hz, NEMA 1 indoor. Reconditioned with 1 Year Warranty.
- 5.8% Impedance
- 150°C Rise Taps:
- 2520 Volt, 229.11 Amps
- 2480 Volt, 234.70 Amps
- 2400 Volt, 240.56 Amps
- 2340 Volt, 246.73 Amps
- 2280 Volt, 253.22 Amps
- Serial# T892359387
- Cat# 24209
- NEMA 1 Enclosure
- 82"H x 68"W x 46"D
- 5100 lbs
- Reconditioned with 1 Year Warranty
LOC: Pillar 177