Vacuum Circuit Breakers

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150 DHP 500U-SF6VRF Westinghouse FS-6 Retrofit Vacuum Conversion 15KV 1200A

150 DHP 500U-SF6VRF Westinghouse FS-6 Retrofit Vacuum Conversion; 1200 amps, 15 KV, Short circuit amps: 37 KA, Closing volts: 125 VDC, Charging motor: 125 VDC.
SKU: 150DHP500USF6VRF#22750

150 DHP-VR-1000 Cutler-Hammer Vacuum Breaker 1200A 15KV EO/DO

150 DHP-VR-1000 Cutler-Hammer Vacuum Breaker; 1200 amps, 15 KV. Electrically operated, draw-out, 125 VDC motor volts.
SKU: 150DHPVR1000#22876

150 DHP-VR-1000 Cutler-Hammer Vacuum Breaker 1200A 15KV EO/DO

150 DHP-VR-1000 Cutler-Hammer Vacuum Breaker; 1200 amps, 15 KV. Electrically operated, draw-out, 125 VDC motor volts.
SKU: 150DHPVR1000#22877

150 DHP-VR-1000 Cutler-Hammer Vacuum Breaker 1200A 15KV EO/DO

150 DHP-VR-1000 Cutler-Hammer Vacuum Breaker; 1200 amps, 15 KV. Electrically operated (E/O), draw-out (D/O), 125 VDC Motor Volts. Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 150DHPVR1000#22880

150 DHP-VR-1000 Cutler-Hammer Vacuum Breaker 2000A 15KV EO/DO

150 DHP-VR-1000 Cutler-Hammer Vacuum Breaker; 2000 amps, 15 KV. Electrically operated (E/O), draw-out (D/O), 125 VDC Motor Volts. Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 150DHPVR1000#22879

150 VCP-18WR500 Westinghouse Replacement for GE FK-255 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Westinghouse Vacuum Circuit Breaker 150VCP-W500 Replacement Unit for General Electric FK-255 FK-255-VUR; 1200 amp, 15KV, 60 Hz. BIL: 95 KV, Rtd S-C Current: 18 KA, K-Factor: 1.30 Ind, Interr. Time: 5 cycles, C&L Current: 62 Crest. Electrically operated, Motor volts: 125 volt AC/DC, Close amps: 6.6 volt, Range: 100-140 DC, Trip-1 Amps: 6.6A, Voltage range: 70-140 VDC, draw-out. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCP18WR500#20622

150 VCP-18WR500 Westinghouse Replacement for GE FK-255 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Westinghouse Vacuum Circuit Breaker 150VCP-W500 Replacement Unit for GE FK-255 FK-255-VUR; 1200 amp, 15KV, 60 Hz, BIL: 95KV, Rtd S-C Current: 18 KA, K-Factor: 1.30 Ind, Interr. Time: 5 Cycles, C&L Current: 62 Crest. Electrically operated, Motor Volts: 125V AC/DC, Close Amps: 6.6, Volt Range: 100-140 DC, Trip-1 Amps: 6.6A, Voltage Range: 70-140 VDC, Draw-out. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCP18WR500#20621

150 VCP-18WR500 Westinghouse Replacement for GE FK-255 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Westinghouse 150 VCP-18WR500 Vacuum Circuit Breaker; 150VCP-W500 Replacement Unit for General Electric FK-255. FK-255-VUR. 1200 amp, 15 KV, 60 Hz, BIL: 95 KV, Rtd S-C Current: 18 KA, K-Factor: 1.30 Ind, Interr. Time: 5 Cycles, C&L Current: 62 Crest. Electrically operated, Motor Volts: 125 volt AC/DC, Close Amps: 6.6, Volt Range: 100-140 DC, Trip-1 Amps: 6.6A, Voltage Range: 70-140 VDC, draw-out. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCP18WR500#20628

150 VCP-18WR500 Westinghouse Replacement for GE FK-255 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Westinghouse Vacuum Circuit Breaker; 150VCP-W500 Replacement Unit for General Electric FK-255 FK-255-VUR. 1200 amp, 15 KV, 60 Hz, BIL: 95 KV, Rtd S-C Current: 18 KA, K-Factor: 1.30 Ind, Interr Time: 5 Cycles, C&L Current: 62 Crest. Electrically operated, Motor volts: 125 volt AC/DC, Close Amps: 6.6, Volt Range: 100-140 DC, Trip-1 Amps: 6.6, Voltage Range: 70-140 VDC, draw-out. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCP18WR500#20629

150 VCP-W 500 Westinghouse Vacuum Breaker 1200A 15KV EO/DO

150 VCP-W 500 Westinghouse Vacuum Breaker; 1200 amps, 15 KV. Electrically operated, draw-out, short circuit amps: 18 KA, motor volts: 125 AC/DC, close amps: 6.6, volt range: 104-127 AC. Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 150VCPW500EODO#22703

150 VCP-W 500 Westinghouse Vacuum Breaker 1200A 15KV EO/DO

Westinghouse 150 VCP-W 500 Vacuum Breaker; 1200 amps, 15 KV. Electrically operated, draw-out, short circuit amps: 18 KA, motor volts: 125 AC/DC, close amps: 6.6, volt range: 104-127 AC. Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 150VCPW500EODO#22731

150VCP-T 16 Cutler Hammer 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker w/ Cubicle

Cutler Hammer Vacuum Circuit Breaker; 150 VCP-T 16 1200 amp, 15 KV RMS, 60 Hz, 600 amp RMS. Continuous current Digitrip 520V, 5V, LSIG with 600A Rating Plug. 95 kV Peak Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage Operating Duty, Cycle: O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO, Interr. Time: 50 RMS, Short Circuit Current: 16 KA RMS, D.C component: 54%, Short Time Current Duration: 2 sec. Electrically operated, Motor volts: 208-254 VAC 1.8A, Close Voltage: 208-254 VAC 1.8A, Trip-1 Voltage: 240 VAC 50/60hz, Capacitor Trip, draw-out: Type VCP-T/T-VAC Cassette. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCPT16#22255

150VCP-W500 Cutler-Hammer 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Cutler-Hammer Vacuum Circuit Breaker 150VCP-W500; 1200 amp, 15KV, 60 Hz. Rtd S-C Current: 18 KA, Volt Range K-Factor: 1.30 Ind, Interr. Time: 5 Cycles, C&L Current: 62 kA. Peak. Electrically operated, Motor Volts: 48 VDC, Close Current: 15.5A, Voltage Range: 38-56 VDC, Trip-1 Current: 15.5A, Voltage Range: 28-56 VDC, Trip-2 Current: Cap Trip Voltage Range: 240V AC, draw-out. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCPW50020522

150VCP-W500 Westinghouse 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Cutler Hammer / Westinghouse Vacuum Circuit Breaker; 150VCP-W500, 1200 amp, 15 KV, 60 Hz. Rtd S-C Current: 18 KA, K-Factor: 1.30 Ind, Interr. Time: 5 Cycles, C&L Current: 37 KA. Electrically operated, Motor volts: 125 AC/DC, Close Current: 6.6A, Voltage Range: 104-127 VAC, Trip-1 Amps: 6.6, Voltage Range: 20-56 VDC, draw-out. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCPW500#20960

150VCP-W500 Westinghouse 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Cutler Hammer / Westinghouse Vacuum Circuit Breaker; 150VCP-W500, 1200 amp, 15 KV, 60 Hz. Rtd S-C Current: 18 KA, K-Factor 1.30 Ind, Interr. Time: 5 Cycles, C&L Current: 37 KA. Electrically operated, Motor volts: 125 AC/DC, Close Current: 6.6A, Voltage Range: 104-127 VAC, Trip-1 Amps: 6.6, Voltage Range: 20-56 VDC, draw-out. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCPW500#20961

150VCP-W500 Westinghouse 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Cutler Hammer / Westinghouse Vacuum Circuit Breaker; 150VCP-W500, 1200 amp, 15KV, 60 Hz. Rtd S-C Current: 18 KA, K-Factor 1.30 Ind, Interr. Time: 5 Cycles, C&L Current: 37 KA. Electrically operated, Motor volts: 125 AC/DC, Close Current: 6.6A, Voltage Range: 104-127 VAC, Trip-1 Amps: 6.6, Voltage Range: 20-56 VDC, draw-out. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCPW500#20962

150VCP-W500 Westinghouse 1200A 15KV EO/DO Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Cutler Hammer / Westinghouse Vacuum Circuit Breaker; 150VCP-W500 1200 amp, 15 KV, 60 Hz. Rtd S-C Current: 18 KA, K-Factor: 1.30 Ind, Interr. Time: 5 Cycles, C&L Current: 37 KA. Electrically operated, Motor Volts: 125 AC/DC, Close Current: 6.6A, Voltage Range: 104-127 VAC, Trip-1 Amps: 6.6, Voltage Range: 20-56 VDC, draw-out. Used Electrically Okay.
SKU: 150VCPW500#20963

15-3AFR-500-37 Siemens Vacuum Conversion 1200A 15KV EO/DO

15-3AFR-500-37 Siemens Vacuum Conversion; 1200A, 15 KV. Electrically operated, draw-out, motor: 208-254 VAC, close: 208-254 VAC, trip: 28-56 VDC. Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 153AFR50037#22751

15PV0750-61 Powell 15KV 1200A EO/DO Circuit Breaker

Powell POW/VAC Vacuum Circuit Breaker; 15PV0750-61, 1200 amp, 15 KV Rated. Electrically operated, draw-out, Closing Coil: 125 VDC, Trip Coil: 125 VDC, Mech Type: PVS-3. Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 15PV075061#19607

50 VCP-WFB250 Westinghouse Vacuum Breaker 2000A 4.76KV EO/DO

50 VCP-WFB250 Westinghouse Vacuum Breaker; 2000 amps, 4.76 KV. Electrically operated, draw-out, 125 AC/DC Motor Volts. Used Electrically OK.
SKU: 50VCPWFB250#23021

Used and Refurbished Vacuum Breakers

Find Your Perfect Match for Seamless Vacuum Circuit Breaker Replacement

You’ve got a deep selection of vacuum circuit breaker types available in our inventory to match and replace your current vacuum breakers. This circuit breaker selection can meet your specific needs, guaranteeing compatibility and peak performance, whether you need a certain voltage rating, current capacity, or design.

Upgrade Or Replace Your Vacuum Breaker: Choose New or Refurbished

You have the option to select between used, reconditioned or brand-new vacuum circuit breakers. Refurbished breakers offer you affordable options without sacrificing quality, while new breakers guarantee the newest models and come with warranties. Our reconditioned items go through extensive testing and inspections to ensure performance and dependability, offering a solid yet affordable choice.

Electrical Testing Certifies Circuit Breaker Quality and Performance

We carry out extensive electrical testing on your vacuum breaker to guarantee quality, safety, and performance. As a way to make sure that every breaker satisfies industry standards and specifications, you can be certain of your gear's dependability and quality.

Specifying Your Vacuum Breaker Power Requirements

Take into account power requirements like voltage, current rating, breaking capacity, and application requirements when choosing the right vacuum circuit breaker. To guarantee the best possible performance and safety for your electrical systems, let our team of experts help you choose the best breaker for your unique power needs.

Common Vacuum Circuit Breaker Applications

Vacuum circuit breakers are used in many different applications, including data centers, industrial plants, power distribution systems, and commercial buildings. They're perfect for protecting electrical equipment from overloads and short circuits, guaranteeing safety, and averting damage to vital machinery and infrastructure because of their superior electrical arc interruption capabilities.

Vacuum Breaker Technology

Vacuum breakers get their name from the vacuum interrupter used. For improved arc interruption capabilities, a vacuum is produced inside the interrupter instead of air or gas. In breaking circuits under fault situations, this vacuum environment offers greater performance and reliability by rapidly extinguishing the arc. The breaker is safer overall and less likely to catch fire when there is no gas or air present.

Types of Vacuum Circuit Breakers

Different Vacuum Circuit Breaker Types: Different types of vacuum circuit breakers include fixed, draw-out, and magnetic actuator variants. Draw-out models are more flexible and require less maintenance in industrial settings, while fixed types are stationary and ideal for small installations. For effective arc control, magnetic actuator types employ magnetic field technology; they are suited to heavy-duty applications.

Air Breaker Type

How the Breaker Type Works

Fixed Vacuum Circuit BreakerSuitable for compact installations, residential buildings, and small commercial facilities. Offers stable and reliable circuit interruption.
Draw-Out Vacuum Circuit BreakerIdeal for industrial settings, manufacturing plants, and larger commercial installations. Provides flexibility for maintenance and easy replacement.
Magnetic Actuator Vacuum Circuit BreakerRecommended for heavy-duty applications, such as power generation plants, substations, and critical infrastructure due to efficient arc control and high fault handling capabilities.

EMSCO has maintained a dedicated warehouse facility since 1948 to meet our customer's needs and offer a wide choice of industrial electrical supplies all under one roof. EMSCO sells most brands and types of industrial electrical power distribution equipment, including busway, bus plugs, transformers, circuit breakers, motor controls, and switchgear, in its 250,000-square-foot warehouse.

📞 EMSCO electrical circuit protection inventory also includes Molded Case, Insulated Case, Air Circuit Breakers and Motor Circuit Protectors. Call 800-328-1842 now or click to chat live with one of our electrical product specialists.