
Please note that our available online inventory is only a sampling of our available in-stock inventory. If you cannot locate the product you need, please call us at 1-800-328-1842. Our sales team will be happy to find it for you.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 1600 Amp 600 VAC M/O D/O

Westinghosue SPB100 Pow-R breaker; 1600 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 1600 amp rating plug cat.#16SPB1600, Pow-R Trip 7 with LSIG functions, ground fault, manually operated (M/O), draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 2000 Amp 600 VAC E/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R breaker; 2000 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 2000 amp rating plug cat.#PD6S20A200, Digitrip RMS 600 cat.#T63CLS, LS functions, electrically operated (E/O)- cat.#SPBEO120A 120 volt AC, shunt trip- cat.#SPBSTEO024D 24 volt DC, under voltage release cat.#SPBUV024D 24 volt DC, auxiliary switch cat.#SPBAUX304, spring release- 120 volt AC, power relay module 120 volt AC, used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 2000 Amp 600 VAC E/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R Breaker; 2000 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 2000 amp rating plug cat.# PD6S20A200, Digitrip RMS 600 cat.# T63BLS, LS functions, electrically operated (E/O)- cat.#SPBEO120A 120 volt AC, shunt trip- cat.# SPBSTEO024D 24 volt DC, auxiliary switch cat.#SPBAUX304, spring release- 120 volt AC, power relay module 120 volt AC, used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 2000 Amp 600 VAC E/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R breaker; 2000 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 2000 amp rating plug cat.#PD6S20A200, Digitrip RMS 600 cat.#T63CLS, LS functions, shunt trip cat.#SPBSTEO024D, auxiliary switch cat.#SPBAUX304, power relay module- 120 VAC, spring release- 120 VAC, electrically operated (E/O)- cat.#SPBEO120A 120 VAC, used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 2000 Amp 600 VAC E/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R Breaker; 2000 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 2000 amp rating plug cat.#PD6S20A200, Digitrip RMS 600 cat.#T63CLS, LS functions, shunt trip cat.#SPBSTEO024D, auxiliary switch cat.#SPBAUX304, under voltage release cat.#SPBUV024D 24 volt DC, power relay module-120 volt AC, spring release- 120 volt AC, electrically operated (E/O) cat.#SPBEO120A- 120 volt AC, used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 2000 Amp 600 VAC E/O F/M

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R breaker; 2000 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With Digitrip RMS600 trip unit cat.# T63CLS, 2000 amp rating plug cat.# PD6S20A200, shunt trip cat.# SPBSTEO024D, aux. switch cat.# SPAUX304, electrical operator cat.# SPBEO120A, under voltage release cat.# SPBUV024D, electrically operated (E/O), fixed mount (F/M), used tested with report.
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SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 2500 Amp 600 Volt AC E/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R breaker; 2500 amp, 600 volt, 3 pole. With 2500 amp rating plug cat.#25SPB2500, Pow-R Trip 7, LISG functions, ground fault, shunt trip- 120 volt AC, electrically operated (E/O), spring release- 120 volt AC, used tested with report (broken handle chipped trip cover).

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 3000 Amp 600 VAC E/O D/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R Breaker; 3000 amp with 3000 amp rating plug cat.# 30SPBDT3000, Pow-R Digitrip with LSIG function, ground fault, shunt trip- 120 volt AC, auxiliary switch cat.# SPBAUX304, 600 volt AC, electrically operated (E/O)- 120 volt AC, spring release- 120 volt AC, draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 3000 Amp 600 VAC E/O D/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R breaker; 3000 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 3000 amp rating plug cat.#30SPBDT3000, Pow-R Digitrip, LSIG functions, ground fault, shunt trip- 120 volt AC, auxiliary switch cat.# SPBAUX304, electrically operated (E/O), spring release- 120 volt AC, draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 3000 Amp 600 VAC E/O D/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R breaker; 3000 amp, 600 volt, 3 pole. With 3000 amp rating plug cat.#30SPB3000, Pow-R Trip 7 with LSG functions, ground fault, shunt trip- 120 volt AC, auxiliary switch cat.# SPBAUX306, electrically operated (E/O)- 120 volt AC, spring release- 120 volt AC, draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 3000A 3P 600 VAC M/O F/M

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R breaker; 3000 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 3000 amp rating plug DigiTrip 510, LSIG functions, ground fault, shunt trip- 120 volt AC, manually operated (M/O), used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 800 Amp 600 VAC M/O D/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R Breaker; 800 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 800 amp rating plug, Digitrip RMS 610. Cat.#S66LSIG (E), manually operated (M/O), draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB100 Westinghouse Pow-R-Way Breaker 2500 Amp 600 VAC E/O D/O

Westinghouse SPB100 Pow-R-Way breaker; 2500 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With Digitrip RMS 600 cat.# T64ALIG, LIG functions, ground fault, 2500 amp rating plug cat.# PD6S25A250, shunt trip cat.# SPBSTEO024D- 24 VDC-8.0 @ .25 sec. DC, E/O (electrically operated)- cat.# SPBEO120A 120 VAC- 1.2 amps, 50/60 Hz, spring release- 120 VAC--2.5 amps, 50/60 Hz. D/O ( draw out), used tested with report.

SPB100M Cutler- Hammer/Westinghouse Breaker 3000 Amp 600 VAC E/O D/O

Cutler- Hammer/Westinghouse SPB100M breaker; cat.# SPBMR330C 3000 amp, 600 Volt AC, 3 pole. With Digitrip RMS 910 cat.# S95LSG, LSG functions, ground fault, 3000 amp rating plug cat.# RP6S30A300, electrically operated (E/O) cat.# SPBEOC120A, auxiliary switch cat.# SPBAUXC304, shunt trip cat.# SPBSTC024D, power relay module cat.# SPBAATR, draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB100M Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse Breaker 1600 Amp 600 VAC E/O D/O

Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse SPB100M circuit breaker; cat.# SPBMR316C, 1600 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With Digitrip RMS 910 cat.#S95LSG, LSG functions, ground fault, 1600 amp rating plug cat.# RP6S16A160, electrically operated (E/O) cat.#SPBEOC120A, spring release- 120 VAC, 2.5 amp, 50/60 HZ. With shunt trip- 24 VDC cat.#SPBSTC024D, auxiliary switch cat.# SPBAUX164, power relay module cat.# SPBAATR, draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB100M Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse Breaker 1600 Amp 600 VAC E/O D/O

Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse SPB100M circuit breaker; cat.# SPBMR316C, 1600 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With Digitrip RMS 910 cat.#S95LSG, LSG functions, ground fault, 1600 amp rating plug cat.# RP6S16A160, electrically operated (E/O) cat.#SPBEOC120A, spring release- 120 VAC, 2.5 amp, 50/60 HZ. With shunt trip- 24 VDC, cat.#SPBSTC024D, auxiliary switch cat.# SPBAUX164, power relay module cat #SPBAATR, draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB100M Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse Breaker 3000 Amp 600 VAC E/O D/O

Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse SPB100M breaker; cat.# SPBMR330C, 3000 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With Digitrip RMS 910 cat.#S95LSG, LSG functions, ground fault, 3000 amp rating plug cat.# RP6S30A300, electrically operated (E/O) cat.#SPBEOC120A, spring release- 120 VAC- 2.5 amp- 50/60 HZ, shunt trip- 24 VDC cat.#SPBSTC024D, auxiliary switch cat.# SPBAUXC304, power relay module cat.# SPBAATR, draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB100M Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse Breaker 3000 Amp 600 VAC E/O D/O

Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse SPB100M breaker; cat.# SPBMR330C, 3000 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 3000 amp rating plug cat# RP6S30A300, Digitrip RMS910 cat# S95LSG (D), auxiliary switch cat.# SPBAUXC304, shunt trip cat.# SPBSTC024D, power relay module cat.# SPBAATR, electrically operated (E/O) cat.# SPBEOC120A, spring release, draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB50 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 250 Amp 600 VAC M/O D/O

Westinghouse SPB50 Pow-R breaker; 250 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With no rating plug, Pow-R Trip 7, LSIG functions, ground fault, manually operated (M/O), draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.

SPB50 Westinghouse Pow-R Breaker 800 Amp 600 VAC M/O D/O

Westinghouse SPB50 Pow-R breaker; 800 amp, 600 volt AC, 3 pole. With 800 amp rating plug cat.#8SPB800, Pow-R trip 7, LSG functions, ground fault, manually operated (M/O), draw-out (D/O), used tested with report.